Every Team Should Be An Elite Team.
We help people leaders create radically effective teams and win market share with a 10-minute-per-day, business-focused Performance Journaling habit.
Start building an elite team team today. Sign up to our 5 day Elite Team Accelerator below.
Entered a work email? Make sure chris@performancejournaling.co is whitelisted. If you do not receive the course, please use another email address.
Create An Elite Culture In 10 Minutes Per Day
Be the destination for top performers
Great talent is hard to come by. And it’s even harder to keep. People have never been so selective when joining a team. It’s not just about compensation. People need to believe you have their back.
Be the gold standard of workplace culture
A strong culture is built on trust. And trust begins when you empower in your team. Enable your employees to own their development and show them you have a “culture first” ethos.
Be the inspiration for future leaders
You’re building the future of your company right now. But it shouldn’t cost you today. By giving your team tools to build powerful habits, you’re allowing the future of your business to develop on autopilot.
Be a beacon of engagement
Engagement is overcomplicated. Every person needs space to grow on their own terms. Give your employees autonomy to grow at their own rate and your business growth will take care of itself.
Bring Personal Development Into The Digital Age Without Losing The Human Touch
Legacy solutions are outdated and offer minimal infrastructure for meaningful change. Sitting at the cutting edge of Performance Science, Get Out Of Your Own Way provides a clear route to world-class status in 10 minutes a day.
Get More Mileage Out Of Your Existing Systems
Get Out Of Your Own Way integrates seamlessly with existing learning & development systems to maximise impact from employees’ quarterly/annual reviews, creating a more effective 360º structure with infinite scalability.
of employers believe soft skills are more important than hard skills when hiring.
(Source: LinkedIn)
of employers say they struggle to find candidates with adequate soft skills.
(Source: CareerBuilder)
of decision-makers said soft skill training has been directly associated with a 37% increase in sales performance.
(Source: Forbes)
of organisations that prioritise soft skill development experience a 34% lower turnover rate, saving businesses a small fortune every year
(Source: Gallup)
Cultivate Dangerous Levels Of Focus With Daily Insight Sessions.
Split into two short daily sessions, the morning session is built to help your team cultivate a growth mindset and explore ideas. While the evening session is built to consolidate the day, close open loops, and set intentions for the following morning.
Break Down Barriers With Bottleneck Analysis
Aimed at specifically identifing and ruthlessly eliminating constraints with the Midweek Bottleneck Analysis, your team will be consistently smashing targets.
Increase Productivity And Focus With The Friday Compounding Sessions.
Every Friday, your team will review their weekly entries, double down on what's working, and gain profound clarity on their purpose for the next week.
Develop A Long-Term Vision And Deeper Insights With Strategic Review Sessions.
Your team will receive monthly, quarterly & annual review sesssions in order to gain perspective, indentify trends and keep the finger on the pulse of what's working... and what's not.
Start Building An Elite Team
Take our free 5-Day Accelerator email course.
We'll walk you through the biggest problems facing all of enterprise in the age of digital transformation.
And more importantly, we'll show you what you can do about it.
Entered a work email? Make sure chris@performancejournaling.co is whitelisted. If you do not receive the course, please use another email address.
Lesson #1
The Biggest Problem Currently Facing All Of Enterprise
Lesson #2
Static Personal Development vs Active Personal Development
Lesson #3
Effective Habit Building For Elite Teams 101
Lesson #4
The HUGE (And Unlikely) Benefit Your Team Can Unlock By Starting A Performance Journaling Habit
Lesson #5
How To Overcome The 6 Biggest Challenges For All Elite Teams